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Empower Success: Create a Scholarship for Lorain County Community College Students 

Lorain County Community College is a beacon of education for over 14,000 students. The college ranks as one of the most affordable in the nation. However, 70% of students rely on financial aid to pursue their academic dreams. The Lorain County Community College Foundation, instrumental in student success, manages 200 endowments annually and awards students over $1 million in financial support. This incredible impact is only possible with the invaluable help of donors like you.

Imagine the transformative power of your generosity. By establishing a scholarship fund, your gift catalyzes life-changing financial awards, shaping students' futures year after year. Our dedicated Foundation staff are eager to collaborate with you to create a scholarship fund tailored to your vision. You have the flexibility to choose from two impactful fund options:

1. Non-Endowed Funds:
  • Designed to provide awards until the fund balance is zero.
  • Established at any point during the academic year, with awards distributed in the upcoming semester.
  • Immediate impact, allowing you to select award criteria that resonate with your philanthropic goals.
  • A minimum contribution of $1,000 is required to kickstart a non-endowed fund.
2. Endowed Funds:
  • Endowed funds are invested for sustainable impact, with a portion of earnings used annually for scholarship awards after a three-year vesting period.
  • It is an enduring way to honor a loved one, commemorate a particular person, or create a lasting legacy.
  • Permanent existence ensures perpetual support for future generations.
  • A minimum contribution of $15,000 (which can be structured to be paid over a period) is required for an endowment fund with donor-specified restrictions.
  • A named general endowment fund with Foundation-established known restrictions requires a minimum contribution of $10,000 (which can be structured to be paid over a period) is required for an endowment fund with donor-specified restrictions.

Your decision to establish a scholarship fund transforms lives and contributes to our community college's growth and prosperity. Contact our Director of Development, Jon Logue, at, or Executive Director of Foundation, Lisa Brown, at to initiate a conversation about how you can make a lasting impact on the educational journey of Lorain County Community College students. Join us in shaping a future where education knows no financial barriers and dreams are attainable for every student.